Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's HOT!!!

As we welcome in the scorching spring, summer, and fall here in Texas, we brace ourselves for the electric bills to come. I am sure that we are not the only ones who are going to sweat out this summer with rising fuel, food and everything else that revolves around black gold (oil).
We are excited to have our lease ending in August. As much fun as it has been to beg and plead with the landlord to get things fixed, we are looking forward to being able to make things the way that we would like it. We have found a house that we have put a contract on. We are hopefully going to close in the second week in July. It is in April Sound. The neighborhood is a gated community with a golf course. I doubt we will have any money left for golf, but I don't mind watching all the rich people play. We will have the home inspection done on Thursday or Friday next week. We are hoping that it will appraise for what we are purchasing it for. A couple of years ago I would not have worried about it so much but now the banks have wised up a little. So we will see.
Anna is doing better. She had her Remicade infusion done and is feeling better. She is excited now that they told her she could start eating normal food again (meaning fruit & vegetables.) She goes on Monday to the OB/GYN for a check up. She will be 18 weeks along. So the next checkup we should be able to verify that it will be another boy. (According to my hypothesis.)
These next couple of months will be kind of busy with moving and all the doctors appointments and stuff.
I will be going to day shift at work in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to a more normal schedule. It makes living a little easier at the Kremer house when dad is not soooo grumpy. It will hopefully take a lot of stress off of Anna to not have to worry about the kids waking me up while I am sleeping.
We hope everyone is doing well. We hope to hear from you soon. We love you and miss you.
Love Always,
Aaron, Anna, Jared, Samuel, and to be announced.


the happy thomas family said...

looks like a lovely home! congratulations and good luck with everything...

Kira =] said...

now time for an update!! =]

Bath Time

Bath Time
More soap please!!!

My new bike

My new bike
zoom zoom

Jared and Samuel

Jared and Samuel
Too cute

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